Insider and scout Aleksei "OverDrive" Biryukov refuted information regarding the buyout cost of Aleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev from NAVI on his personal Telegram channel. Previously, he had stated that the amount was three million US dollars. Biryukov clarified that this figure was merely a starting point for negotiations, and the final price could vary significantly, either lower or higher.
"My information about s1mple's buyout has been disputed. It’s amusing, as the actual buyout will only be known once the deal is done. Three million dollars is a figure around which discussions can begin. In the end, s1mple could cost as little as $500,000 or as much as $6 million, or even nothing at all if his contract expires.
There's no need to be surprised by such a high number. s1mple has the strongest media presence in esports. The recognisability of the 's1mple' brand is on par with the name 'Counter-Strike' itself. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people who have heard of s1mple but not of CS."
It's worth noting that s1mple has been on NAVI’s bench since October 2023. In March this year, he played on loan for the Falcons at the BLAST Premier Spring Showdown 2024. The team lost its first match and finished in last place in the tournament. In July, when asked when he plans to return to Counter-Strike, s1mple responded: "That's a difficult question. I hope it will be soon."