Flamie reflected on 322.
"322 exists. I think match-fixing happens below the tier-2 level. There are matches where people intentionally lose. I don't know names, but you can take any Bulgarian teams. 322 is a relevant topic. Either there are cheaters or it's 322. Essentially, it's the same thing.
322 in tier-1 probably doesn't exist. But I've heard a lot that some teams might throw. But I don't believe in it. Why would you do 322 at the tier-1 level? You're risking it for a few thousand dollars when you have a salary and stickers. Maybe there are isolated cases. But I don't believe in 322 at tier 1. It's strange. Especially offline.
I've played in tier 2 and tier 3. Sometimes you're used to playing evenly against a team. The next day, they're taking two rounds per map against you. I remember one case for a lifetime: you throw smoke on the monster, and someone jumps out solo from there. Without anything. You kill him and think, 'What is this?' Probably, that's 322," reflected Egor "Flamie" Vasilyev.